Call for papers

 Conference Themes

The de-industrialisation of some advanced countries (the United States, Great Britain and France in particular) is at the front of the political-news stage. In a few years, we have moved from the "fiction" of a post industrial society; focused on design activities and marketing services, to the necessary rehabilitation of the place and role of the industry. It is now largely accepted that industrial specialisation presents advantages at the macroeconomic level not allowed by a society widely specialised in the services: high productivity gains, superior levels of qualification, high wages etc... In spite of this awareness, the current crisis contributes to reinforce the de-industrialisation movement. In France, some structural aspects have played unfavourably toward the adaptation of the French economy to the globalisation of production and of the markets; the size of companies (a bipolar distribution with a high number of very small SMEs on one side and multinational groups of the other side), the non cooperative relationships between the large groups and their subcontractors (contractors who impose costs constraints on small SMEs).

The issue of the difficulties faced by the SMEs (innovative and non innovative) to access  financial resources is frequently underlined by the participants. In our view, these difficulties can be traced back to the complex relationships between the financial sphere and the industrial sphere. For instance, the French case is characterized by a mismatch between a high savings' level and financial institutions insufficiently oriented toward the financing of  industrial activities. A successful industry depends on its institutional characteristics, in particular on those who have an impact on the links between finance and industry.  These links influence, at least partly, the inner nature of the specialization and the forms of the organization of the production.

At the time where we rediscover -especially in our "former industrialized countries"- the importance of a successful industry for the prosperity of an economy, the issues of  financing, governance and the strategy of industrial companies appear to be crucial. We have to explore and analyze the links between finance and industry both theoretically and empirically. Besides, we should dispel the assertion that companies and industry only fail because they suffer from finance-credit rationing. It is essential to study the effect and the use of the financial resources provided to the companies. To what extent financing mechanisms contribute to the development of exports, to job creation, to the emergence of innovative activities and to the transition towards a green economy? How industrial policies, reduced during several decades to "policies of competition" can transform themselves in order to face the actual challenges?

This conference will address the following topics:

  • Theoretical approaches of the links between finance and industry from economic and sociologic viewpoints
  • The organisation of concrete specific industrial processes (automotive, chemistry, nano technologies, luxury sector...)
  • The issues of the industrial creativity (industrial design) and financial creativity (financial innovations)
  •  Specific issues of the transformation of the links between finance & industry: ongoing macroeconomic mechanisms, transition to the green economy, financing innovative SMEs and country inequalities
  • Public policies: nature and relevance of the public policies regarding the interactions between finance and industry, the variety of public policies, international comparisons.

Submission Instructions

Submissions should include institutional affiliations, and clearly state the appropriate theme

 The accompanying abstract should not exceed 2 pages (8000 characters all included).

Submissions should be sent to



14 av. Berthelot

69363 Lyon Cedex 07


Phone: +33 4 72 72 64 07

Fax: +33 4 72 72 65 55


Submission deadline: 30 April 2013

Notification: 17 May 2013

Final paper submission deadline: 15 september 2013

The conference languages are French and English. Submissions in both languages are welcome. If need be, the organizers are prepared to organize certain sessions entirely in English.

After the conference, the scientific committee will select articles to be published in special journal issues

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